zondag 17 mei 2020

Ninja Origins - Chaos Clan Mahōtsukai

Another member from a different ninja clan, this one is from Chaos Clan and is a Mahōtsukai, a sorcerer. A skilled practitioner of the dark arts, not in the least the forbidden sorcery of Nekuromanshī, this prominent clan member commands forces that most adversary's will find hard to deal with. A word about parts that were used to make this custom follows after the pictures.

The Chaos Clan sorcerer faces off against a Dragon Clan warrior armed with Dragon Claws. Will these mystic weapons be enough to ward of the energy blasts of the Mahōtsukai?

Now about the creation of the figure. This one came about when I was buying some repro cloth parts on ebay (mostly Prince Adam vests and belts in various colours) and saw the seller had a repro Master Splinter robe from TMNT, among other things. I took a chance that it would be big enough to accommodate an Origins figure, thinking it might go well with the regular Triple H legs. It worked and screamed sorcerer robes to me, so after playing around with some possible bits to match the figure, this concept came about. The addition of the robe and belt adds to the 1980's feel in my opinion.

The breakdown is as follows:
- Head: adapted head from the Funko Mortal Kombat Raiden, with added paintjob. Hollowed out the bottom and glued in an o-ring for the neck peg.
- Torso: Finn Balor torso, with the black bits slightly repainted to match the Raiden head.
- Arms: ring version Cena. I feel the wrist protection looks very much Asian.
- Crotch, legs and feet: regular Triple H, with the logo removed.
- Robe: Reproduction TMNT Master Splinter robe from ebay.
- Belt: Reproduction Los Amos Prince Adam belt from ebay.
- Energy bolts: the energy bolts from Funko Mortal Kombat Raiden, but doubled up for extra effect (two on each hand)

Paint on this one is minimal. I repainted the head, though you could limit that to a minor touch-up of the bottom of the head where you carved off the neckstump if you wanted. The painting to the neck and shoulders of the torso could also be omitted.

Ninja Origins - Dragon Clan Ninja with Dragon Claws

As part of my Origins expansion theme drawing from other 1980's influences, I noticed I had various asian themed parts in the "bits" box and what could be more '80s than to add a Ninja-themed subcollection? So far I have decided on not one, but three different ninja clans to populate that theme and have a couple members of each underway in various stages of completion. The first completed figure is one I'm rather happy with, which is a Dragon Clan Ninja equipped with Dragon Claws. Breakdown of parts used and modifications made after the pictures.

I'm well pleased with the way this one came out and I feel the claws work well on him. A small breakdown of parts used and modifications made:
- Claws, torso and arms from the Triple H that came with the ring. The white paint on the wrists was removed with acetone.
- Crotch, legs and boots from Roman Reigns. I resculpted the boot tips to have the split toe shape, but I don't feel it adds much, so won't bother for future ones
- Ninja vest from Classics Ninjor,
- Skirt from Funko Mumm-Ra. I had this leftover from my Funko-Bandai Classics mashup custom and once painted black, it worked wonderfully to balance out the extra girth of the Classics vest. I added some wear and tear to the fringe. Vest and skirt complement each other really well.
- Head from Funko Mortal Kombat Raiden, with sculpted ninja cowl added. The neckstump was carved out and the bottom of the head hollowed out to accept the Origins neck peg. A small O-ring was glued inside the head, so it sits snugly on the peg and can be posed.
The rest is paint, to blend in the different parts.